a hotel for watchmakers, inspired by Italo Calvino’s ‘Invisible Cities’


Laura Wiedenhöver + Rachel Sauer : team

Manhattan, New York City, USA : site

Bachelor Design 7 studio, UF, School of Architecture : status

Fall semester 2019 : year

A : mark


Together, Olinda and Berenice can be understood to relay the imagery of New York City and where the city and the mechanisms of a watch meet. The tower is made up of mechanisms of transport. Systems of ramps and escalators reach out and connect the divided sides. The south-eastern perforated facade acts as a camera obscura, filtering a mirrored image of the skyline inside the building. The camera obscura is held within a space, within the structure, within the city. The tower holds multiple versions of the city, wrapped within itself. Each maintaining proportion, existing simultaneously, crammed into the space in between. A paternoster lifts the public up into the structure, never ceasing to collect and disperse. It provides specific access to floors and views. Separate from the public, an elevator lifts and carries clock-makers through the building as it is needed. The watch and the city meet in compact spaces and occur in between systems and time.